Bible Stories For Our Little Ones (Van de Hulst)
This book is intended to be a book for mothers. A book to be read in quiet hours, to little ones of four to seven or eight years old who sit at Mother’s knee. A book to be read slowly, yes, especially slowly; very clearly with warm, loving reverence and awe which creates in little children’s heart a pious reverence and a joy filled awe. It desires to be a BIBLE FOR THE LITTLE ONES, reaching out to all areas of a child’s understanding. A child does not comprehend everything, yet understands a great deal. This story bible wishes to tell about the holy things in plain, clear, almost simple language, which still must never profane the consecrated happenings. It is not meant to be complete. Completeness would hinder children. This book is not meant to be anything but a modest, reverent endeavour to lead the little ones into the holy sphere of Godly things. The interest of the little ones will be the test to see whether this endeavour is accomplished. May God give our little ones His wonderful blessings in the quiet hours, listening to His voice at Mother’s knee.
Author: W.G. van de Hulst
Pages: 262
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Product Details:
- Hardcover: 262 pages
- Published: 2004
- ISBN : 9781894666695
- Author: W. G. Van de Hulst
- W. G. Van de Hulst