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Hallowed (Bredenhof)
SKU 9781532682612
Echoes of the Psalms in the Lord's Prayer
Hallowed is a fresh study of the Lord’s Prayer against its Old Testament background. Rather than give an entirely new model for speaking with God, Jesus drew the message of his prayer from the Psalms, the ancient prayer book of God’s people. In the Psalms, believers approach God in worship, seek him for life’s necessities, confess their sins, and ask for his mercy. Echoing these prayerful voices, Jesus taught a profound lesson in what delights God when his people pray. From this we will learn how to hallow God’s name in prayer and all of life, and we will be encouraged with the Father’s promise that he always hears the voice of his children in Christ.
- Author: Reuben Brednhof
- Pages: 132
- Paperback
- Published in 2019
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Product Details:
- Paperback : 132 pages
- Published: 2019
- ISBN : 9781532682612
- Author: Reuben Bredenhof
- Reuben Bredenhof: After serving congregations in Canada and Australia, Dr. Bredenhof became Professor of Ministry and Mission at CRTS in 2023. He completed a PhD at St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, exploring the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man in Luke 16:19-31.
- "Reuben Bredenhof has gifted the church with a book that weaves together all the personal vigor of the Psalms with the simplicity and majesty of the Lord's Prayer. This book is filled with rich insights for the soul!"
- Author of A Praying Life--Paul E. Miller
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