The Truth of the Cross (Sproul)
Until we understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross, we will not understand the Christian faith. God is holy, so He cannot simply overlook our sin. That means we all stand condemned before His righteous judgment. In order to find deliverance from the wrath we deserve, we must look to the Savior who has paid the penalty of sin for those who trust in Him. In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul surveys the Bible’s teaching about the cross of Christ and the grace of God in redeeming His people.
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Product Details:
- Paperback : 167 pages
- Published: 2024
- ISBN : 9781642896114
- Author: R. C. Sproul
R.C. Sproul (1939-2017) was founder of Ligonier Ministries in Orlando, Fla. He was also first minister of preaching and teaching at Saint Andrew’s Chapel, first president of Reformation Bible College, and executive editor of Tabletalk magazine. His radio program, Renewing Your Mind, is still broadcast daily on hundreds of radio stations around the world and can also be heard online.
- “The gospel is a message of good news that something extraordinary has happened. At the heart of that message is that Jesus, God the Son incarnate, has atoned for the sins of all His people, turning away the righteous wrath of God. The gospel is a cross-shaped message. Sadly, in our day, this message is being re-shaped into other forms, and the results are not happy. We can give thanks for this volume by R.C. Sproul, however, because in it he steps into the breach once more to provide a clear, concise, and thoughtful case for the biblical and historic Christian gospel of the cross.” -- Dr. R. Scott Clark